Utviklingsfondet - An organization for a fair and sustainable world

We have given Utviklingsfondet a new visual identity and a new website.

Visual identity
Utviklingsfondet, 2021 Visit utviklingsfondet.no

About the project

Utviklingsfondet is a Norwegian aid organization working with climate adaptation and sustainable development in 6 countries across 3 continents We have collaborated with the client for several years. This time we have updated their brand and digital experience with a new visual identity and website.

Many thanks to Good Morning who are behind our new website and new profile! Utviklingsfondet has finally received the visual identity and digital rig that an organization which has worked with climate adaptation and poverty reduction for over 40 years deserves!

Ann Askim, Director of markering & communication

The website is built on Craft CMS, where modules are the building blocks, and all content is managed by the client themselves.

In addition to the usual content modules for text, images, and videos, we have also created modules for quizzes, scrollytelling, payment solutions, reports, as well as a Mailchimp integration with a complex tagging system.

A clear layout and structure together with visual assets and web animations tell the stories of the important work by Utviklingsfondet in an interesting way for the user.

Utviklingsfondet operate in 6 countries across 3 continents. By using videos, illustration, graphic patterns together with interactive elements we give the user an engaging experience and a site that communicates more emotions.

Need help on digital platforms?

Do you have a project or an idea you want to discuss, get in contact with Eirik.

Recommended readings:

  • How we build websites with Craft CMS (🇳🇴 Les mer 🇬🇧 Read more)
  • How we work with strategy, digital products, design and digital marketing (🇳🇴 Les mer)